Dental Issues Kids Could be Developing Right Under Parent’s Noses

Houston Pediatric Dentistry Blog

Dental Issues Kids Could be Developing Right Under Parent’s Noses

As a parent, you want to be on top of your child’s health, but sometimes that is hard to do when you don’t know what you are looking for. Oral health is an issue that can be sometimes overlooked for all sorts of reasons; for one, parents don’t always know what to look for.

One problem that is hard to figure out and could be developing without you knowing is a bite issue. This problem begins early on in childhood, but it can be corrected if it is discovered on time.

The following are signs telling you that your child is developing bite problems and that you should make an appointment to see if your suspicions are confirmed by your oral specialist.

Gapless Formation

One thing you want to pay attention to are gaps. When a bite is not forming correctly, a person might develop gaps between each tooth. These gaps don’t have to be too large because even a small gap can put your child in danger of developing cavities among other things.

The Crowded Mouth

Another issue that sometimes shows up at a young age is crowded teeth. Again, teeth are supposed to grow uniformly, but there are times when this does not happen. Sometimes, teeth crowd each other, and this could put your child at risk of developing all sorts of oral health issues, like cavities or gingivitis. You want to pay attention to your kid, and make sure none of his or her teeth are overlapping each other. These overlaps make it easier for cavities to hide making brushing less effective.

The Underbite

Kids could also develop what is sometimes called an underbite. Normally, the top of your teeth are supposed to slightly cover the bottom set of teeth, but an underbite switches that order. With this problem, a child’s lower teeth will be in front of the upper teeth. Speech could be affected because of this development, and your child could also be prone to dental chips or cracks.

The Overbite

Another issue you want to pay attention to is usually referred to as a deep bite. This is when the upper teeth overlap the bottom set of your kid’s teeth too much. If you think your child’s upper teeth project out too much, then make sure you talk to your oral specialist as soon as possible. This could also affect speech, and it could make it harder for your child to process his or her food.

Open Bites

When your child’s jaw is shut, your child’s teeth should reflect that, but sometimes there are complications during development that cause teeth to develop a gap when your child’s mouth is closed. This puts pressure on your teeth, and that could not only make teeth weaker; it could force further misalignment.


This is when teeth or a set of teeth do not fit properly over their opposite counterparts. Fitting with the bottom tooth or upper tooth is important because this allows you to chew effectively. Crossbites could happen in the front where they are easily identifiable, but they could also happen near the back, so make sure you pay attention to your kid’s teeth as he or she grows up.

When any of these issues are discovered early and addressed by an orthodontic specialist, they are more treatable. These bite issues could lead to others, so they are definitely not something you want to postpone or ignore.

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