It can be a bit anxiety-inducing to deal with a teething child. Teething can be an extremely uncomfortable experience for children at times. There are ways you can alleviate pain and discomfort for your child as they teethe.
Knowing what to expect and how to help them will make the teething process go much more smoothly for both you and your little one. There are some things you can do at home, and you can also bring your child to a pediatric dentist as needed. The American Dental Association suggests bringing your child in for their first dental visit and screening six months after the eruption of their first tooth and no later than their first birthday.
Projected Timeline For Teething
This is a basic outline of the usual timeline that teething follows in infants and toddlers. Much like other milestones, each child is different and unique with teething as well. Having this guideline can give you something to work from, and if you have dental concerns, feel free to contact a pediatric dentist for advice.
- Four To Seven Months: You may begin to notice fussiness and signs of discomfort. Your baby’s gums may have a red or slightly swollen look at this point.
- Eight To Twelve Months: At some point during this period, 4 teeth should emerge. The incisors and two teeth on the bottom underneath them.
- Nine To Sixteen Months: Four more teeth are expected to emerge at this stage. They are called the lateral incisors.
- Thirteen To Nineteen Months: At this stage in dental development,, the molars should begin to emerge. There will be a large space between the first teeth to emerge and the molars, but that’s normal.
- Sixteen To Twenty-Three Months: The canine teeth are usually emergent at this point.
- Twenty-three To Thirty-three Months: All the primary teeth should appear by around the second birthday.
Tips To Deal With Teething Pain
Teething can be a physically and emotionally demanding process for you and your little one. The pain can cause fussiness,restlessness, and even insomnia in some children.
Ways you can help your child feel better at home include:
- Rubbing their gums gently
- Giving them a frozen teething ring
- Giving them a cold or chilled spoon to gum
- Giving them a chilled carrot stick
- Using some oral pain relief gel that’s safe for children
These are some methods that can get you and your little one through teething with less discomfort.
How To Deal With Sore Gums
The biggest way to help your little one’s gums feel better is to prevent or lessen irritation. The biggest cause of gum irritation for babies and toddlers is drool. Teething causes excess drooling. The drooling makes the gums more sore and irritated. Keeping your child’s mouth as free of excess drool as possible will go a long way in helping their gums feel better.
While your child is teething, it is reassuring to know how to comfort them. Another way to ease your mind during this time is to have a well-trained local pediatric dentist you can rely on in case of emergencies or just to help your child with oral health as they grow.