- Sucking is natural for babies. Whether it’s their thumbs, fingers, pacifiers or other objects, sucking helps babies feel secure and happy. Young children may also suck to soothe themselves. Since thumb sucking is relaxing, it may help them fall asleep.
- When Should it stop? Usually kids stop thumb sucking between 2-4 years old, or by the time the adult front teeth are ready to break through their gums.
- After your child’s permanent adult teeth com in, sucking may cause problems with the proper growth of their mouth and teeth alignment. Vigorous thumb sucking may also cause problems with baby teeth. If you notice changes in your child’s baby teeth, please talk to your dentist.
- Using pacifiers at a later age can be as much of a problem as sucking fingers and thumbs, but it’s usually an easier habit to break.
- Feel free to come come into any of our 3 convenient locations and consult with Dr. Lewis and Dr. Longoria about other ways Houston Pediatric Dental Specialists can help your child break their habit!
Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers